Climbing harnesses are workhorses of the arborist world, taking the brunt of friction and wear during long days aloft. If your Teufelberger Treemotion harness has seen its fair share of action and the leg padding is looking worse for wear, don't replace the entire harness just yet! Give it a fresh lease on life with Teufelberger's genuine Replacement Leg Padding, engineered to restore comfort and confidence to your climbs.
Replacing your Treemotion leg pads is a quick and affordable way to revitalize your favourite harness. Crafted from the same high-quality materials as the original, these replacement pads boast several key features to keep you comfortable and secure in the canopy:
- Durable and Breathable: Constructed from a blend of breathable mesh and abrasion-resistant fabric, these pads provide lasting comfort while minimizing heat build up during strenuous climbs.
- Perfect Fit: Designed specifically for the Teufelberger Treemotion and Evo harnesses, these pads integrate seamlessly, restoring the original snug fit and support.
- Easy Replacement: No need for special tools or expertise! The straightforward design allows for quick and hassle-free installation, ensuring you're back in the saddle and climbing safely in no time.
- Enhanced Confidence: Fresh, supportive padding means greater comfort and stability, letting you focus on the task at hand and climb with renewed confidence.